T1 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Tanner 10

A semi-diplomatic transcription of the final scribal state

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    Nu sculon[1] herıgean      heofon|rıces ƿeard

    meotodes meahte[2]      ond hıs modgeþanc[3]

    ƿeorc| ƿuldorfæder      sƿa he ƿundra gehƿæs

    ece[4] drihten[5]      or on|stealde·

5     he ærest sceop      eorðan bearnum

    heofon to hrofe|      halıg scyppend·

    þa mıddangeard      moncynnes ƿeard

    ece[6]| drıhten      æfter teode

    rum[7] foldan      frea ælmıhtıg·


[1]sculon... ælmıhtıg·] Large stain obscures some text down outside (right) margin of p. 195.

[2]meahte] <a> ill-formed or damaged.

[3]modgeþanc] <mod> appears to have bled slightly.

[4]ece] With <c> corrected from some other letter (perhaps a partially completed <e>?).

[5]drihten] With <d> perhaps corrected from some other letter (<a>?).

[6]ece|] Dobbie 1937 reads éce; the “accent” looks like a stain in facsimile.

[7]rum] With <r> perhaps corrected from some other letter (<n>?).