p. 195 (=f. 100r)
1[ Approx. 28 characters omitted ] Nusculon[1] herıgean heofon|
rıces ƿeard 2meotodes meahte[2] ⁊hıs ⟨mod⟩geþanc[3] 3ƿeorc|
ƿuldor fæder sƿahe ƿundra gehƿæs 4ee{c}e[4] ⟨a{d}⟩rih⟨t⟩en[5] or on|
stealde· 5he ærest sceop eorðan bearnū 6heofonto hrofe|
halıg scyppend· 7þamıddangeard moncynnes ƿeard 8ece[6]|
drıhten æfter teode 9fın{r}um[7] foldan frea ælmıhtıg·[ Approx. 3 characters omitted ]
[1]sculon ...ælmıhtıg·] Large stain obscures some text down outside (right) margin of p. 195.
[2]meahte] <a> ill-formed or damaged.
[3]⟨mod⟩geþanc] <mod> appears to have bled slightly.
[4]ee{c}e] With <c> corrected from some other letter (perhaps a partially completed <e>?).
[5]⟨a{d}⟩rih⟨t⟩en] With <d> perhaps corrected from some other letter (<a>?).
[6]ece|] Dobbie 1937 reads éce; the “accent” looks like a stain in facsimile.
[7]fın{r}um] With <r> perhaps corrected from some other letter (<n>?).