N London, British Library, Additional 43703

A diplomatic transcription

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f. 146r, line 25
Detail of Hymn on this manuscript page.  For copyright reasons, a higher resolution version of this image is unavailable in the web-edition.
1[ Approx. 18 characters omitted ] Ne sculon her gean heofon rıces ƿe:|
2metodes mıhte· Ond hıs mod geþonc 3ƿeoroda ƿul:|
dor fæder
sƿa he ƿundra geh{ƿ}hƿæs[1] 4ece drıhten or|

f.146v, line 1
Detail of Hymn on this manuscript page.
onstealde[2] 5he ærest scop eorþū bearnū 6heofon to hrofe|
halıg sc\y/pend·[3] 7þa mıddan geard moncynnes[4] ƿeard 8ece|
drıhten æfter eode 9fınū foldan frea ælmıhtıg· [ Approx. 3 characters omitted ] 


[1]geh{ƿ}hƿæs] First <ƿ> written over unidentified character (perhaps an <h> or <s>).

[2]or| onsteald| onstealde] Catchword (onsteald|) at foot of f. 146r corresponds with onstealde, f. 146v.

[3]sc\y/pend·] <y> added above the line with caret between <c> and <p>.

[4]moncynnes] Oddly formed <y>. The same form is also found in ƿyrþes, manuscript line 6.

(Image © British Library, London. Reproduced with permission). For copyright reasons, a higher resolution version of these images are unavailable in the web-edition.