Mg Oxford, Magdalen College, lat. 105

A semi-diplomatic transcription of the final scribal state

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    Nu[1] ƿe sculon herıan      heofon|rıces ƿeard·

    metudes mıhte·|      ond hıs modgeþanc·

    ƿurc| ƿuldorfæder·      sƿa he ƿun|dra gehƿılc

    ece drıhten|      ord astalde·

5     He ærest ge|scop      ylda bearnum

    heofon| to rofe·      halıg scyppend·|

    mıddangearde      mancynnes| ƿeard

    ece drıhten·      Æfter| tıda

    fırum on foldum|      frea ælmıhtıg·|


[1]Nu] Initial <N> is in the “margin” of the poem’s writing area (i.e. just inside right margin of Latin main text). Illuminated with yellow wash.